
How to lower high creatinine level for kidney failure patients without Dialysis?

When creatinine level above 5, many patients will choose dialysis to lower it.But if Dialysis is the only way to lower high creatinine level? And is it suitable for patients to lower high creatinine level use dialysis. The following content will help you. 

Whether start dialysis can't decide only by creatinine level.Many factor you should pay attention. It include:
Your GFR isn't the only thing you and your doctor will look at in deciding when you should start dialysis. You will also consider:
Whether you have swelling, nausea, or other symptoms of kidney failure.
Your age.
Your health aside from your kidney failure.
How you feel—if you have the energy to do your daily activities.
Your ability to make lifestyle changes and to commit time to dialysis.

Dialysis Side Effects

And in other hand dialysis just a tool help patients clean out the waste in patients body, it has no help with fixing the damaged cells or renewing kidney functions. When kidney can’t perform well in patients’ body, as the decline of the kidney function, more and more toxic depositing in the body, overtime, some symptoms like high creatinine level will occur. Then patients lower the high creatinine level by dialysis. But dialysis isn’t a very good way to reduce high creatinine level. For on hand, long term dialysis has many side effects. On the other hand, some risks may occur after dialysis including heart disease, high blood pressure, headache, vomiting and so on.

New treatment for patients with high creatinine level 

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural herbal therapy applied externally on acupoint of lower back (kidney area). Herbal bags containing dozens of herbal medicines are soaked previously in penetrants, and then placed on the lower back part. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main and channels. There is no pain, and it is kind of like a massage.
The main curative effect of this herbal therapy is to promote whole body blood circulation, and especially the blood circulation within the kidneys. If analyzed from cytology, when kidney function decline occurs, there are three types of cells in the kidneys. There are healthy cells that are overburdened: damaged but still reversible cells: and completely necrotic cells that have no function left. The necrosis is an absolute loss, but this herbal therapy helps removing blood stasis or thrombus, degrading extracellular matrixes, and dilating each level blood vessel to promote blood flowing into the kidneys. In this way, sufficient blood supply creates a great environment for the self-repairing of these damaged but still reversible cells, and prevents kidney function from further declining.

This therapy can lower high creatinine level naturally for kidney disease patients.

If you want to know more about this therapy or if you have any questions about your disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Or chat with out on line doctor at below.


Chinese Medicine Treat kidney cyst -Treat Kidney Cyst Without Surgery

Many patients don't pay more attention to kidney cyst.Because there are little symptoms for kidney cyst patients when they suffer from small cyst. But with the develop of the kidney cyst,the cyst will influence the other organs.
A cyst is a closed pocket or pouch of tissue that can form anywhere in the body. Cysts can be filled with air or fluid. Cysts that form on the kidneys usually contain fluid. One or more cysts may develop on small tubes in the kidneys. The simple kidney cyst is different from the cysts that develop when a  person has polycystic kidney disease, which is a genetic disease. Although its cause is not fully understood, the simple cyst is not an inherited condition. Simple kidney cysts become more common as people age. Nearly 30 percent of people over the age of 70 have at least one simple kidney cyst.

Treatment of simple kidney cyst

If you don't want treat kidney cyst through surgery. You can choose Chinese Medicine shrink the kidney cyst naturally.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of treatment that can repair injured renal inherent cells through the method of combining oral Chinese Medicine an external applied Chinese Medicine. In addition, it is treatment combined both Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine means processing Traditional Chinese Medicine into more refined and micronized medicine powder which is much easier to be absorbed by body.
Osmotherapy refers to the special external application method of making medicine permeate into body, which can make medicine arrive at kidney lesion directly.And this therapy have no side effects and have no pain. You just need to lie down on the bed for 45 minutes.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Or have any questions about all kinds of kidney cyst. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or chat with our on line doctor at below directly.


Diet suggestions for IgA Nephropathy Patients with creatinine 5.2

IgA Nephropathy or Berger's disease is a clinical/pathological entity defined by the presence of macroscopic or microscopic hematuria and mesangial IgA deposits.There are a IgA Nephropathy patients envelopment progress.
I was diagnosed with IgA Nephritis in Novermber, and my creatinine levels were increasing from 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3 and so forth. Now, it is 5.2. I want to know which food can I eat for my condition.

1. Low-salt diet: for IgA Nephropathy Patients, if they have obvious edema, they should restrict the intake of salt avoiding aggravating the condition of edema. For patients with slight or no symptoms of edema they should take low-salt diet.
Attentions: other kind of food containing sodium should be also restricted such as pickle, cookie, dessert, condiment, etc.
2. control water intake: IgA Nephropathy Patients have dysfunctions of the internal excess water and waste products′ discharge. So when patients have obvious edema they should also restrict with the water intake.
3. Low-protein diet: because the metabolic of protein such as creatinine, uric acid will be discharged by kidney. For IgA Nephropathy patients, their renal function is damaged, this waste products can not be well discharged by kidney and accumulate in body and causes poisoning. So patients should take low-protein diet to relieve the burden to kidney. Besides, they should also take high-quality protein diet which not only meets the nutrient requirement but also reduces the waste product of protein.

4. Low-fat diet: patients should eat low-fat diet, because too much fat will be metabolized into lipid which increases the risk of blood viscosity or thrombus.

Treatment for IgA Nephropathy patients with high creatinine 

Immunotherapy is a good choice for IgA Nephropathy patients.And this therapy will improve your immune system and at the same time can restore kidney function.

If you want to know the detailed information about Immunotherapy.Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


What should I do with 6.3cm simple kidney cyst

There are have no symptom for kidney disease patients just with a small simple kidney cyst.But if we don't need treatment for the simple kidney cyst. And in other hand there are a patient story. A patients have a 6.3cm kidney cyst. Is is serious for her?The following content will give you the answer for this questions.

No matter what the growth speed is, renal cysts often will grow and become larger and larger. At the early time, these relatively small cysts will pose nearly no influence against the body, however, these cysts may cause danger to body when they enlarge to a relatively larger size.
So what are the specific dangers when the cysts are growing to a larger size, for example those cysts with 6cm in size?
The fist one is the danger of kidney damages and high blood pressure. Specifically, the cysts
especially those large ones such as in 6.3cm can cause the local hardening of renal tubules, so the kidney functions are suffered, at the same time, hypertension usually come up accompanying by kidney damages.
The second is that renal cysts often lead to Hydronephrosis which presents itself as the enlargement of kidney calices or renal pelvis and this situation is often aggravated as a result of infections.
The third one is renal carbuncle. This disease often happens when patients have the history of several weeks of skin infections.
The fifth one is the factor that renal cancers are easily induced by kidney cysts. One thing you should remember is, renal cysts' walls may also cancerate.

Treatment of 6.3cm kidney cyst 

You can use Chinese Medicine to shrink kidney cyst naturally. Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and will through a device make the Chinese Medicine through one's kidneys through back.This therapy have no side effect and any pain.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? Or if you have any questions want to consult. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


How to remove high creatinine and foamy in urine naturally for CKD patients.

High Creatinine and foamy in urine is the most common symptoms for CKD patients. So I want to tell you how to remove it. And in this article I will also Involves the basic knowledge of high creatinine and foamy in urine.

Cause of high creatinine level

a high serum creatinine level means that your kidneys aren't working well. Your creatinine level may temporarily increase if you're dehydrated, have a low blood volume, eat a large amount of meat or take certain medications. The dietary supplement creatine can have the same effect.

Heavy protein in urine for CKD patients

Under normal conditions, you will almost always have some protein in your urine, but the amount tends to be very small. Any protein that is present is usually micro-molecular and is present in concentrations of less than 150 grams per deciliter, which roughly translates into 12 grams of protein in just under 1000 grams of liquid (water), or about 1 percent. If the amount of protein in your urine is in excess of 150 grams per deciliter, your clinical condition would considered to be one of proteinuria. If the amount of protein excreted is greater than 3.58 grams over a 24 hour period, the clinical condition is then referred to as massive proteinuria, which is generally considered to be a symptom of chronic kidney disease or CKD.

Treatment of high creatinine and heavy protein in urine for CKD patients 

There are many efficient therapy to remove high creatinine and protein in urine such as "Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,clear blood pollution therapy,Medicated Bath,Acupuncture ,moxibustion,massage,Gua sha ,cupping etc".And we will combine some of the therapies making professional treatment plan for the patient,adjusting treatment plan according to later condition.As for Micro -Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,it is just a kind of therapy .As to what medicine to be used in it ,depends on the patient's practical condition.It is also will be adjusted along with the patient's condition.So it is impossible for us to prescribe chinese herb medicine for your mother without seeing her.The reason we do this is also responsible for her health as well as safety.I hope you can fogive me.You said you will buy some equipment do as per the treatment in your place ,and i believe you are able to do this .But there must be great difference on effect compare to ours.It is also may have no effect at all.

If you want to know more detailed information about these therapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Diet suggestions for kidney failure patients with high creatinin 6.2

Creatinine is a chemical that is found in the blood stream, which is normally cleared out of the body by the kidneys.The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male. If your creatinine is higher than the normal value it can show you had lost 50% kidney function.A slightly raised creatinine level may indicate that the kidneys are not working properly, but it can also occur if you are slightly dehydrated.Creatinine 6.2 is much higher than the normal value.So choose the right diet and treatment is essential for kidney failure patients.

Diet for kidney failure patients with high creatinine

Many patients with elevated creatinine also have elevated potassium and phosphorus levels. Elevated potassium causes irregular heartbeats. Elevated phosphorus causes serious bone problems. low potassium and low phosphorus diets to prevent these problems. diet designed to lower creatinine levels also restricts fluid consumption. Eating less protein reduces the workload of the kidneys, while eating less sodium, phosphorus and potassium prevents these substances from building up in the bloodstream. Reducing fluid intake prevents fluid from building up in the bloodstream, which reduces blood pressure and prevents swelling.With a reduced workload, the kidneys do not have to work as hard to maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balances. Eating less protein reduces the amount of creatinine the body produces. Both of these things make it easier for the kidneys to filter creatinine out of the blood and reduce creatinine levels. Following this type of diet may also slow the progression of kidney disease.which foods to eat and which foods to limit. High-potassium foods to avoid include tomatoes, oranges, potatoes, chocolate and nuts. People with kidney disease should avoid the sodium content of foods such as fast food, frozen meals, canned vegetables, pickled or cured meats, canned soups, cheese, salted pretzels and salted potato chips. Foods that contain high levels of phosphorus include corn, chocolate, dairy products, fish and eggs. Red meat, poultry, fish and nuts have high levels of protein.dehydration can also cause an increase in serum creatinine. Increasing fluid intake can help avoid dehydration and eliminate the possibility of elevating creatinine levels.For women if you consume 2.2 liters of fluid and men consume 3 liters of fluid per day. While any fluid counts toward total fluid intake, water is the best choice. Drinks with caffeine and carbonation should be avoided.Avoid strenuous physical activity: thereby decreasing the breakdown of creatine into creatinine.Nettle leaf tea: drink 1 to 2 cups a day. Nettle leaf tea is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve kidney function and reduce serum creatinine levels.

In other hand choose the right therapy is also important for kidney disease patietns. Our treatment will combine Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine. Have any questions about your disease?Or if you want to know our treatment method. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Or chat with our on-line doctor at below.


Chinese Medicine treat Nephrotic Syndrome with heavy proteinuria

There are a variety of diseases and underlying disorders that damage the kidneys and cause excess urinary protein in people with nephrotic syndrome. Some of them may include:
Membranous Nephropathy (MN)
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
Minimal Change Disease (MCD)
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis (MPGN)
Lupus Nephritis (LN)
IgA Nephropathy (IgA)

Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that result when damage to the glomeruli (the filtering units in the kidney) causes a loss of protein from the blood into the urine. This loss of plasma proteins into the urine can cause massive edema (fluid retention). Fluid can collect in the chest cavity (pleural effusion) and abdomen (ascites), causing shortness of breath or abdominal pain. The most common cause of nephrotic syndrome is glomerular disease including idiopathic or membranous glomerulonephritis(inflammation of the glomeruli).

Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome 

Of course,here we have effective treatments and i have confidence with it since we have treated many patients from the world who has kidney disease more serious than hers.If it is possible,i hope she be treated by accepting our treatment.As for sending the medicines straight to your address in India,i have to say sorry.Since may be there are somethings you don't know.Also blame me didn't explain to you clearly.In general,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is only one of our many therapies such as "clear blood pollution therapy,Medicated Bath,Acupuncture ,moxibustion,massage,Gua sha ,cupping etc".And we will combine some of the therapies making professional treatment plan for the patient,adjusting treatment plan according to later condition.As for Micro -Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,it is just a kind of therapy .As to what medicine to be used in it ,depends on the patient's practical condition.It is also will be adjusted along with the patient's condition.So it is impossible for us to prescribe chinese herb medicine for your mother without seeing her.The reason we do this is also responsible for her health as well as safety.I hope you can fogive me.You said you will buy some equipment do as per the treatment in your place ,and i believe you are able to do this .But there must be great difference on effect compare to ours.It is also may have no effect at all.I know the reason why you do this are all for consideration your mother.But to be frank,it not only do no effect for her but also will delay her disease.At this is period,some emergency like blood pressure increasing will aggravate her disease ,access to dialysis period directly.The current situation is urgent.

If you have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.We will give you the professional guide for your condition.


Diet Suggestions for CKD Patients with High Creatinine Level

Foods is important for CKD patients with high creatinine level. The following content will give you the detail information about the damaged of high creatinine and diet suggestions for high creatinine level.

once your creatinine level has been found to be continuously rising, it indicates the prognosis is very serious. At the moment, you’d better pay more attention to your diet.

Diet for People with High Creatinine Level

Low potassium diet

High Creatinine Level requires eliminating many otherwise healthy foods from the diet, such as broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, acorn squash and oranges. Substituting lower potassium foods such as peppers, mushrooms, onions, white rice and pasta is an effective strategy in meal planning if potassium restriction is necessary.

Low sodium diet

Patients with high phosphorus levels can prevent this from occurring by eating a low-phosphorous diet and taking drugs called phosphorus binders when they eat. High phosphorus foods to avoid include milk and milk products, chocolate, beer, organ meats, dried beans and other legumes.

Low phosphorus diet

Phosphorus levels often become elevated as the kidneys are unable to regulate phosphorus content in the blood. One of the first symptoms of high phosphorus levels is uncontrollable itching. Patients with high phosphorus levels can prevent this from occurring by eating a low-phosphorous diet and taking drugs called phosphorus binders when they eat. High phosphorus foods to avoid include milk and milk products, chocolate, beer, organ meats, dried beans and other legumes.

And in other hand find out the right therapy is also essential for kidney disease patients. If you want to know the efficient therapy for kidney disease or if you have any questions about kidney disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


IgA Nephropathy with blood in urine and frequent urine how to treat it ?

IgA Nephropathy also can be called Berger's disease.And it is a form of glomerulonephritis (inflammation of theglomeruli of the kidney).The most common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy is blood in urine. The following content will tell you the symptoms and treatment of IgA Nephropathy.

Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

A smaller proportion (20-30%), usually the older population, have microscopic hematuria and proteinuria (less than 2 gram/day). These patients may not have any symptoms and are only clinically found if a doctor decides to take a urine sample. Hence, the disease is more commonly diagnosed in situations where screening of urine is compulsory, e.g. schoolchildren in Japan.
Very rarely (5% each), the presenting history is:
Nephrotic syndrome (3-3.5 grams of protein loss in the urine, associated with a poorer prognosis)
Acute renal failure (either as a complication of the frank hematuria, when it usually recovers, or due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis which often leads to chronic renal failure)

Chronic renal failure (no previous symptoms, presents with anemia, hypertension and other symptoms of renal failure, in people who probably had longstanding undetected microscopic hematuria and/or proteinuria)

IgA Nephropathy Treatments 

Do you heard Immunotherapy? This therapy not only can improve kidney function and can improve the immunity for kidney disease patients.And we are also have many efficient therapy to treat IgA Nephropathy like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath and so on.

If you have interesed in these therapy.Or have any questions about your disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Natural treatment for Lupus Nephritis with creatinine 4.2 patients - Lupus Nephritis treatment

Lupus nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney caused by the rheumatic condition systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Causes of Lupus Nephritis 

Lupus nephritis occurs when lupus autoantibodies affect the filtering structures (glomeruli) of your kidneys. This abnormal process results in kidney  inflammation and may lead to blood in the urine (hematuria), protein in the urine (proteinuria), high blood pressure, impaired kidney function or even kidney failure.

Treatment of Lupus Nephritis  

After years of research and experience accumulation, Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital experienced several stages of practical study, including taking Chinese medicine orally, hot compress with Chinese medicine, bath with Chinese medicine, cycle therapy with Chinese medicine, etc, and obtained a lot of valuable experience in TCM therapy. Gradually, we selected seven TCM therapies from numerous treatments to combine them organically, and formed a set of stereoscopic therapy of TCM.

Each of seven therapies has its own disadvantages and forms the system by itself. Related and complemented to each other, they form an organic stereoscopic system of therapy.

If you want to know more about this top seven TCM therapy . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com  .

What can I do for stage 3 CKD with serious edema

In stage 1-2 CKD there are don't have obvious symptoms. If your disease enter stage 3. There are may occur edema. What is the cause and how to remove serious edema for stage 3 CKD.

Cause of edema in stage 3 CKD

Renal failure caused by a large number of impaired kidney function, kidney damage can not timely effective excess water excreted, also caused by the excessive accumulation of water in the body, which will lead to edema phenomenon. Mainly due to edema in patients with renal failure.

Treatment of edema in stage 3 CKD        

In my opinion ,adopt Chinese medicine is the best choice to treat stage 3 CKD.There are a efficient therapy in our hospital named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy . This therapy is used in an external application method. Through effective penetrant and osmosis machine as well we stimulations on acupuncture point and channels on patients back, more effective medicines can get to kidney lesion directly. As a result, the treatment effect is also increased greatly. Besides, external application makes the treatment much safer. 

If you have any questions want to consult. Tell me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com . Or chat with our on line doctor at below. Best wishes!


stage 3 CKD life expectancy - prognosis of stage 3 CKD

CKD is a big problem for the whole Medicine world.And stage 3 CKD is the primary period for the kidney disease patients.And many CKD patients are concern about one thing what is the life expectancy of stage 3 CKD. Hope this article can tell you the answer.

Why not kidney disease will not be cured for a long time.  kidney disease Experts in kidney disease field point out that in most time, patients with CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 can not receive scientific treatment and the medicine just focus on the symptoms such as hormone, immunosuppressive agent. They focus on dimishing the symptoms and once patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 have got an infection such as cold, symptoms will recur again. What’s worse, it makes patients depressed and even hopeless. But do not worry because there is also a new therapy which maybe you have not heard of it before but it really can bring you new hope.So the life expectancy of stage 3 CKD is mainly according to what kind of treatment you accept.

Treatment for stage 3 CKD

Combined with the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine is the best choice for kidney disease patients. In Kidney Hospital China there are have achieved the combination.Our Chinese therapy include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy and cycle therapy. In our treatment progress We will also use blood purification technology ( Not only indicate dialysis) combine with Chinese Therapy. 

If you still have any questions want to consult. chat with our on line doctor or send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


What does creatinine 4.9 mean for kidney failure patients ?

What does creatinine 4.9 mean for kidney failure patient? The following content will give you answer. And in the following content,you will know the efficient therapy for kidney failure. Now let us start.
Creatinine is a waste product formed by the breakdown of a substance (creatine) important for converting food into energy (metabolism). The creatinine is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and then passed out of the body in urine.
If the kidneys are damaged and can't function normally, the amount of creatinine in the urine decreases while the amount of creatinine in the blood increases.

Creatinine 4.9 is much higher than the normal level of creatinine level. The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male.

Natural treatment for kidney failure patients ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.And this therapy will choose different Chinese medicine according to your condition. And make the Chinese medicine make into a bag.Through a osmotic Infiltration equipment the Chinese herbs into one's kidneys directly.So this therapy will take effect quickly than the Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

If you have interested in this therapy. Or if you have any questions want to ask. Contact our on line doctor at below. Or send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


How to Prevent the develop of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

Nephrotic Syndrome include primary disease and secondary. Generally speaking ,most of the children patients is primary disease. This article will mainly introduce Nephrotic Syndrome in children.

Signs and symptoms include:

Foamy urine
Fatigue and weakness
Swelling (oedema) around the eyes, hands, feet, and abdomen
Loss of appetite
Increased weight from fluid retention

High protein levels in the urine and low protein levels in the blood

Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome  

Then, how to prevent Nephrotic Syndrome in Children developing adult chronic kidney disease? The best way is to increase GFR level and recover renal Function. Once Nephrotic Syndrome in Children can not be controlled well by the current treatment, maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can become patients’ better choice. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Besides, this therapy is an overall treatment, which is not only a simple therapy, but also related to other sides of patients’ living, including medicine, nursing, psychology, emotion, nutrition, diet, exercise, rehabilitation and etc.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. You can also through that way to contact me if you have any kidney problem. Best wishes.


FSGS Patients with High Creatinine Level how to lower it ?

FSGS is a abbreviation of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis .As the name implies, only some (focal) glomeruli are affected and just part of the affected glomerulus is involved (segmental) with the sclerosis.This disease is always with protein and blood in urea .If you don't treat it timly,with the time goes by ,the creatinine level will also can be risk.The following content will give you suggestion to lower high creatinine level in two parts.

Diet suggestion for FSGS patients

Patients with FSGS should have a low protein diet. Because creatinine is found to mostly exist in rich protein food, for example meat. However, they can have more intake of high quality protein food such as fish, milk. High quality protein can produce few wastes and supply essential amino acid. And they should have a low salt diet. Because high blood pressure is a common complication of FSGS. High blood pressure does harm to kidney function, leading to more severe edema and high creatinine level. Finally, due to edema, they should limit water or fluids.

Treatment suggestion about FSGS

Blood purification

Blood purification is a nonspecific treatment method.Based on the types of waste products in blood and kidney damage degree, corresponding blood purification method will be applied to eliminate waste products from body.It can lower high creatinine effectively, but has no significance in improving renal function in FSGS.

Hope the above conent can help you.If you want to know more about Blood purification technology, or if you have doubt about your kidney disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


What are the symptoms and treatment of IgA Nephropathy in Children ?

IgA Nephropathy is also named Berger's Disease. The most common kind of glomerulonephritis which often happens when an antibody named IgA lodges in your kidneys and results in inflammatory reaction.
About 80% of children with IgA Nephropathy initiates the disease with hematuria which usually occurs after an Upper Respiratory Infection. Hematuria can exhibits in 24 to 72 hours after infection and this time hematuria can be seen by naked eyes (macroscopic hematuria). Some children are found tonsillar enlargement in this time; macroscopic hematuria may disappear after tonsillectomy.
Some children with IgA Nephropathy may manifest hematuria together with proteinuria. Their hematuria can be macroscopic or microscopic; and proteinuria usually is mild or moderate.
About 15% to 30% of children with IgA Nephropathy have Nephrotic Syndrome (massive proteinuria, Hyperlipidemia, Hypoalbuminemia and edema). These children usually do not have any infection before IgA Nephropathy attacks. Nephrotic Syndrome can put children at risk of many other diseases if it is left untreated.

Except above symptoms, children with IgA Nephropathy also can present Nephritis Syndrome (hematuria, massive proteinuria, edema and Hypertension). Hypertension usually signals exacerbation of the disease. However, only 5% of children are found of having Hypertension. Hypertension affects more adults with IgA Nephropathy than children. If people with IgA Nephropathy suffer from Hypertension, usually they have rapidly progressive kidney function deterioration. It is estimated that less than 5% of patients with IgA Nephropathy exhibit Rapidly Progressive Nephritic Syndrome.

Treatment of IgA Nephropathy

Immunotherapy is one of good choice for IgA Nephropathy. Through the treatment of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis,remove the immune complex and restore the inherent immune system of human body .
Have any questions ? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


How to Eliminate Swelling for Lupus Nephritis Patients ?

System lupus erythematosus(SLE, or more commonly lupus) is an autoimmune disease .Swelling is one of common symptoms of Lupus Nephritis .And if you missed the best treatment period .The disease would develop into kidney failure .

Why do people with lupus nephritis swelling?

In most cases, people with lupus have been detected to have protein in urine, which indicates to have damage in kidneys. To some extent, protein in urine is the main causes of lupus swelling. How do the people with lupus have kidney disease? It is known that lupus is a type of autoimmune disease which always leads to form numerous immune complexes once they are invaded by the viruses or  other factors. When the immune complexes pass through the kidney tissues, they have a high risk to deposit in the kidneys. Thereby renal inflammation occurs and much protein is leaked through the hurt caused by renal inflammation.
Due to much loss of protein, low content of protein in blood will drive much water go through the blood vessels to the surrounding tissues. In superficially, swelling presents in people’ eyelid first and then their lower limps. The more serious kidney disease is, the severer their swelling will be.

Can people with lupus nephritis drink water?

Some patients with lupus swelling drink water as before, which will increase their disease condition. In fact people with severe swelling should attach more  importance to control their drinking water volume. Their delay drinking water should be what the urine volume in the last day adds 500 ml water.

Treatment of Lupus Nephritis

You can try Chinese therapy to treat your disease .Like Oral Chinese Medicine,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot bath therapy ,Medicated Bath therapy and so on. Through these systemic treatment will rebuild your kidney function.

Have any questions want to consult about lupus or other kidney disease . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


How to remove kideny cyst naturally - treat kidney cyst without surgery

The small kidney cyst will not influence the life of kidney disease patients .But if you don't treat it early the small cyst will become bigger and bigger. And it will press on other organs. At last it can be cause the pain in your back or side. 


Kidney cysts are identified through ultrasound or CT scans. Sometimes they are found when doctors are looking for other conditions.

Relationship between kidney cyst and PKD

This is a genetic condition causing clusters of cysts to form around the kidneys or other organs. If someone in your family has this disease seek professional medical advice about your chances of developing this condition.

Natural treatment for kidney cyst

You can choose chinese medicine to treat kidney cyst. The most important function of Micro-Chinese Medicine is to repair the damaged blood circulation in kidneys. When kidney tissues are destroyed to some degree, kidneys are in a situation of less blood supply and less oxygen supply. There will be problems with blood vessels and then kidney tissues are damaged further because of shortage of blood and oxygen. Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate the blood vessels and have the ability of anti-coagulation, so the micro-circulation in kidney will be promoted thereby. As a result, the cyst in kidney will shrink naturally with a lower blood pressure and smooth blood flow in the vessels since there will be no pressure forcing the cyst to grow persistently.  

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .

Foamy Urine in stage 3 CKD, How to Lower It ?

Many protein to leak for kidney failure patients can show your kidneys already  have certain  damage .And there is also have chance to reserve it in stage 3 CKD . And if you can't treat it timely in this stage . You will pay more if the disease become worse .

If proteinuria is not controlled, the increased amount of protein in your urine can lead to more kidney damage. Over time, this can cause your kidneys to fail, and you may need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
If you find and treat the problem that is causing your proteinuria, you may be able to stop or slow down the damage.

How to lower foamy urine in stage 3 CKD ?

Restore kidney damage is the best way to remove foamy urine . You can choose Micro-Chinese Medicine to lower it . This theray can treat one's disease quickly than the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because our doctor had Made the  larger particles herbs into Micro-Chinese herb .And our doctor also have method can make the micro-chinese herb into one's kidneys directly .

Have any kidney problem want to consult ?Or if you want to more detailed informations about Micro-Chiense Medicine Osmotherapy . Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com .


Diet and Treatment of lowering High Creatinine Level for CKD patients

Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which is an important part of muscle. This article discusses the suitable diet and treatment of lowering high creatinine level for CKD patients .
Higher serum levels of creatinine indicate kidney damage or failure. For this, your doctor will prescribe a renal diet. As your kidneys' workload is lightened and the rate of damage slows, your creatinine levels will become lower. Renal diets focus on controlling protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and liquids.

CKD patients Diet

Protein -Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues and muscles and to fight off infection. When protein is broken down, like any other food, it produces certain waste products. One of these is urea, which damaged kidneys have trouble filtering out of the bloodstream. Most renal diets require you to monitor and limit your protein intake.
Potassium - When your kidneys aren't working well, your potassium levels can become too high. This can be serious and even cause sudden heart failure. Potassium is found in many foods, and you must carefully monitor your potassium intake on a renal diet. You may be asked to limit or eliminate leafy green vegetables, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, oranges and apricots, all of which are high in potassium, and encouraged to choose lower potassium foods including cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice.
Fluid-When your kidneys aren't working properly, they have problems removing excess fluid from your body. Your doctor may limit your fluid intake to prevent high blood pressure, swelling and shortness of breath. Remember to include soup, ice, ice cream, sherbet and gelatin in your fluid intake

CKD treatments

Combining of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine is the best method to treat kidney disease . Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy had combinded these two therapy .

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or If you have any questions about CKD . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .

Top 5 foods for kidney failure patients

For kidney failure patients the daily diet is very important . They should avoid some food totally . And Some food is very beneficial for kidney failure patients .The following content will list the top 5 healthy food for kidney failure patients .
Here’s a list of the top 5 kidney-friendly super foods. These foods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease, so by using them in your family's meals, you'll be helping your loved ones enjoy good health too.

1. Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are a good choice for those concerned about kidney health, because they're low in potassium. In addition, they add color and taste to any dish, while packing a generous portion of vitamins A, C, B6, folic acid and fiber. They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which protects against certain types of cancer.
If you're following the kidney diet, it's easy to add red bell peppers to your food plan. Mix them into tuna or chicken salad or eat raw with dip. Roasted, they're great for topping sandwiches or green salads. Chop them up for use in egg dishes, such as omelets or scrambled eggs, add them to kabobs for grilling or stuff them with a ground beef or turkey mixture for a tasty baked entrée.

2. Cabbage

Crunchy cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable filled with phytochemicals, chemical compounds found in certain fruits and vegetables. Phytochemicals work to break apart free radicals. Many phytochemicals are believed to combat cancer and support cardiovascular health.
Inexpensive cabbage is a great addition to your eating plan, because it's also high in vitamins K and C, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid, yet it's low in potassium, so it's especially kidney-friendly.
If you're following the dialysis diet, add cabbage by turning it into coleslaw or use as a topping for fish tacos. Cabbage can be boiled, steamed or microwaved and then enjoyed with a touch of butter or cream cheese and a sprinkling of pepper or caraway seeds. Other nutritious meal options include cabbage rolls and stuffed cabbage.

3. Cauliflower

Another kidney-friendly super food is cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable brings lots of vitamin C to your plate, along with folate and fiber. In addition it contains compounds that help your liver neutralize toxic substances.
Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dip or in salads. Steamed or boiled, it can be seasoned and turned into a great side dish. You can even mash cauliflower as a dialysis-friendly replacement for mashed potatoes.

4. Garlic

Garlic is good for reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol. It also has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties. (Cooking garlic will not affect its antioxidant properties, but it will reduce its anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory effects.)
If you're following the dialysis diet, use garlic powder instead of garlic salt to add extra flavor to your meals without adding extra sodium. Garlic can be used in cooking many dishes: meat, vegetables or tomato sauce, for instance. Once you start cooking with garlic, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

5. Onion

Another popular food used for seasoning is the onion. Onion is full of flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty material in blood vessels and add pigmentation (color) to plants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help reduce heart disease and protect against many forms of cancer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Low in potassium, onions are not only kidney-friendly; they also contain chromium, a mineral that assists your body with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Onions can be enjoyed raw or cooked in a variety dishes.

If you want to know more kidney disease not only diet . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


Cause and Treatment of High Creatinine level for stage 3 CKD patients

Creatinine level as a important test for kidney disease patients , can tell many informations about one's kidney disease . But many person don't know what is Creatinine, the causes of creatinine and how to lower high creatinine level .
Stage 3 is a important period for kidney disease patients . Because it  will save money and time for you to treat your disease than the stage 4 or 5 if you adopt suitable therapy .

Causes of elevated creatine kinase

Elevated creatine kinase may be caused by conditions including:
Brain injury
Delirium tremens (severe alcohol withdrawal)
Muscle diseases such as dermatomyositis, polymyositis or muscular dystrophy
Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Myocarditis (infection of the middle layer of the heart wall)
Rhabdomyolysis (muscle destruction)


Treatment of stage 3 CKD patients with high creatinine level

In this stage you can adopt some natural treatment for high creatinine level .For example you can adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to lower you high creatinine level .This therapy can make the Chinese herbs enter one's kidneys directly through skin .So it will take effect quickly than the Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) .

If you have any questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


Life Expectancy and treatment of FSGS

Many FSGS patients concern on question . What is the life expectancy of FSGS patients. And how to treat  can improve the life quality . The following content will tell you the answer .

FSGS is named for the scarring, or “sclerosis”, that can be found in the kidney of people with this disease. When looked at under a microscope, everyone’s kidneys contain millions of tiny filters called “glomeruli”. These filters work much like a colander that you might have in your kitchen. Blood is “poured into them” as it circulates through the kidney, and the water-like part of the blood drains through. This becomes your urine. When these filters are damaged they become scarred. They are no longer able to filter blood appropriately. This is called “glomerulosclerosis”.

FSGS causes damages on glomeruli through inflammatory immune response which occurs because pathogenic foreign body lodge in glomeruli. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbs that have function to extend blood vessels, promote blood circulation as well as increase immunity. Through these functions, these foreign body can be cleared away and finally discharged along with FSGS patient's urine. As long as there is no pathogenic foreign body, there is no inflammatory immune response and consequently, there is no further kidney damage on glomeruli.

With FSGS,different patients may receive different treatment and take different measures to control this disease. FSGS life expectancy from oneset actually depends on what patients done. Therefore, if FSGS patients want to live a long time, please receive effective treatment as quickly as possible once the disease occurs.

If you want to know more about our therapy . Or if you have any questions about your disease . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .

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